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CLI Usage

The components-to-markdown command line runner has a number of useful options. You can use npx to run it directly from the terminal to view all available options:

npx components-to-markdown@latest --help


components-to-markdown [options] <sources...>

The <sources...> is a list of paths to directories or files to be processed.


For full customization support, opt for Library Usage, which has more options, like Hooks for example.


--patterns <patterns...>

Alias: -p.



File patterns to filter.

--template <template>

Alias: -t.

Default: "brachiosaurus".

Path to template file or the name of the built-in template.

--output <output>

Alias: -o.

Default: ".".

Path to output markdown files.


Alias: -w.

Default: false.

Watch for changes and rebuild automatically.

--loglevel <level>

Alias: -l.

Default: "info".

Logging level.


Default: false.

Components in the same file will be grouped in the same output file.


Alias: -V.

Output the version number.


Alias: -h.

Display help for command.