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Code contributions

Working on your first Pull Request? You can learn how from this: How to Contribute to Open Source.

Project setup


  • Node v16.x.x
  • Yarn v1.x.x

Setup steps:

  1. Fork and clone this repo;
  2. Run yarn install to install dependencies;
  3. Create a branch for your PR with git checkout -b your-branch-name

Keep your main branch pointing at the original repository and make pull requests from branches on your fork. To do this, run:

git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream/main main

This will add the original repository as a "remote" called "upstream," Then fetch the git information from that remote, then set your local main branch to use the upstream main branch whenever you run git pull. Then you can make all of your pull request branches based on this main branch. Whenever you want to update your version of main, do a regular git pull.

Folder Structure

This repository is a monorepo managed by Nx. All the packages is in packages/ directory. They are:

  • components-to-markdown: The main package, with the CLI and the library.
  • example-react-components: A small example with React components to demonstrate how the generated documentation looks like.
  • website: The website with the documentation.


The package follows the following source code structure:

  • src/: The source code.
    • lib/: The library code.
      • __tests__/: Test helpers.
      • config/: Configuration files.
      • errors/: The errors that can be thrown by the package.
      • helpers/: Template helper functions.
      • hooks/: Default hooks.
      • markdown/: The logic to build markdown files.
      • parses/: The logic to parse the components.
      • resolvers/: The logic to resolve glob patterns.
      • system/: The utility functions to work with the system, like read and write files.
      • typings/: All the typings used by the package.
      • components-to-markdown.ts: The library and CLI entry point.
    • index.ts: The entry point for the package.

Committing and Pushing changes

Please make sure to run the tests and lint before you commit your changes:

yarn format:check
yarn test:all

If you made changes in built-in templates or in the examples, please run the following command to update the documentation:

# Any changes in the documentation must be committed


This project uses Auto to automate changelog and release generation.

The version is identified according to the label with the prefix version: informed in the Pull Request (PR). These labels are described in the table below:

LabelTypeChangelog TitleDescription
version:majormajor💥 Breaking ChangeIncrement the major version
version:minorminor🚀 EnhancementIncrement the minor version
version:patchpatch🐛 Bug FixIncrement the patch version
version:performancepatch🏎 PerformanceImprove performance of an existing feature
version:internalnone🏠 InternalChanges only affect the internal API and it doesn't generate a new version
version:docsnone📝 DocumentationChanges only affect the documentation
version:dependenciesnone🔩 Dependency UpdatesUpdate one or more dependencies version

The major, minor and patch label types are to identify which version increment will be made according to the semver pattern. In case of multiple Pull Requests accumulated to generate the version, the highest hierarchy will be used for the new version.

The release is generated if a PR that contains a version label is merged with the main branch.